I was pining for yellow or orange but it's green for May. I suppose it's appropriate as the world is taking on a lovely green colour. The grass is greening, the tulips are budding, the daffodils are in bloom and there is a lovely green colour to the tips of the trees as the buds are just itching to open. And, of course, May's birthstone is the emerald - brilliant green.
Here are the green scraps I found. Is there an emerald in this pile? I may have to check out some of the green fat quarters to get some vibrant and bright greens.
Here's my selected boxy star block. There were some nice bright spring like greens and some darks in the pile. I like the floral and the leafy print to remind me that spring is really on the way.
Here's my first green RSC block, Bento Box. I've just read Angela's May 1st post and she is suggesting we leave the pastels for another time. Does the light olive tone count as a pastel? I will definitely have to dig into the fat quarters and .5 metre cuts to supplement the scraps. I have too many pale greens - not necessarily what I call pastels but definitely pale.
I also found time to piece some of the wee strips and complete the green spools. I'll have to revisit one where the seams don't quite line up. (sigh) Stitch, rip, re-stitch!!!
Linking up with
RSC. Stop by and see what else is "greening" in blog land.
Your greens do seem like a bright blooming spring. Great start on green already!
I was also hoping for yellow or orange this month, but green is probably easier for me (lots more of it in my stash). I love the boxy stars.
Your boxy star is really neat!
Beautiful fabrics and blocks!
Love that boxy star block!
You've gotten a great start on the RSC for the month. I also was surprised with the green color for the month but it really is appropriate. Just this week our grass greened up and the trees are budding now also, Looks beautiful even if my sinuses are unhappy.
I hadn't thought of using coins for the spools. I like that! Great idea for when I need to sent blocks off for Sunshine Lotto.
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